C-section recovery looks very different from a vaginal birth. Trying to balance recovering from major surgery with caring for a newborn can feel very daunting to a new mom. Show some love to a c-section mama with this list of 42 practical and supportive gifts for c-section moms.

When it comes to c-section recovery, I have a pretty good idea of what is helpful. I have experienced recovery as a brand new first-time mom after an emergency c-section, and recovery as a seasoned mom of two years with a toddler to care for. With Mother’s Day coming up, I thought I would go ahead and put a list together of 42 practical and supportive gifts for c-section moms. Hopefully this will give you some thoughtful ideas for how to help and support the c-section mamas in your life!
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Food Related Gifts
One of the most difficult parts of recovering from a cesarean birth is that you have very limited mobility for the first couple of weeks. In fact, even the slightest movements like standing up, coughing, laughing, or sneezing can cause intense pain around the incision site. Therefore, food related gifts can be some of the best gifts.
Gift #1: Coffee
New parenthood can be exhausting, especially after recovering from major surgery. If new mothers are back to drinking caffeine again, they will absolutely appreciate the gift of coffee.
Gift #2: Tea
If your mama friend is not a fan of coffee, consider picking up some of her favorite tea. You could even put together a little gift basket with some of her favorite teas, honey, and a new mug.
Gift #3: Prepare a Meal
One of the most helpful gifts we were given after my c-sections were homemade meals. The best meals were brought in disposable containers so I did not have to worry about washing and returning dishes. Also, be considerate of the type of food you make. Try to think of foods that are easy to digest as any stomach pain will be excruciating for a c-section mom.
Gift #4: Door Dash Gift Card
If you do not have time to make a meal, consider giving them a food delivery gift card. During recovery, you are not supposed to drive yourself, so giving them the ability to have food delivered is a wonderful kindness.
Gift #5: Restaurant Gift Cards
Any food related gift cards will be greatly appreciated, even if they aren’t Door Dash! Bonus points if the restaurant delivers.
Gift #6: Healthy Snacks
A breastfeeding mama will be hungry pretty much all the time. Consider picking up some healthy snacks that she can keep next to her at all times. Trail mix, granola bars, freeze dried fruit, and lactation cookies are all great ideas!
Gift #7: Go Grocery Shopping for Her!
After a few days at home there is a strong possibility a c section mom will be needing some groceries. Have her place an order online and go pick it up for her. Be sure to ask if she is okay with visitors, and if not offer to leave the groceries on the porch.
Gift #8: Make Freezer Meals!
Many people bring meals for the first couple of weeks after baby arrives, and then the meals tend to slow down. However, this is often when it gets harder for mama as dad often has to go back to work and she is left to take care of things on her own. She will be ever so thankful for this practical gift!

Clothing Related Gifts
Whether or not she had an emergency or planned c-section, there will probably be some clothing items a new mama will wish she had but won’t buy for herself. She will also probably not be able to wear her pre-pregnancy clothes yet but will be very ready to get out of those maternity clothes. Here are some clothing gift ideas!
Gift #9: Comfy Joggers
The best pants for recovery after major abdominal surgery will be high-wasted, stretchy, not-too-tight, with pockets. These adorable joggers have it all and also come in many different colors and patterns!
Gift #10: Robe
Robes are simply a must have as a new mom, whether you had a c-section or vaginal delivery. New moms will be breastfeeding all the time while also balancing visits from friends and family members. She may just choose to live in a soft and comfortable robe during those beginning weeks as it will give her easy nursing access.
Gift #11: Slippers
I pretty much lived in slippers after having my babies as I was always having to get up to take care of the baby. These are some of my favorite slippers!
Gift #12: Blankets
This may not be a clothing item, but it will be very appreciated. I personally found it more comfortable to sit upright on our couch than to sleep in bed for the first few weeks. Having a soft and cozy blanket to snuggle up in was so helpful.
Gift #13: Loose Breastfeeding Friendly Shirts
Loose clothing is a must after a c-section. Consider looking for shirts that will provide an easy way to breastfeed or pump!
Gift #14: High Wasted Underwear
Having anything tight around my c-section scar was extremely uncomfortable. One of my first purchases after delivery was a pack of high-wasted underwear. Even almost 4 months after having my last baby I will not wear anything that sits against my c-section incision!
Gift #15: Button Down Night Gown
A loose button down night gown will make a great gift for mama as it will provide easy breastfeeding access and will also be comfortable for sleeping.
Gift #16: Mama Hat
Chances are, showers will be pretty painful and c-section mamas will not be feeling their prettiest. Consider getting them a cute new mama themed hat that they can throw on during especially bad hair days so they can feel a little more normal and put together!
Gift #17: Winter Hat, Scarf, and Gloves
If baby was born during the winter, these winter items will be so helpful for all of those doctor appointments, pediatrician visits, and trips to the lactation consultant!

Self Care Gift Ideas
Here are some ideas if you are looking for some self care items to add to a c-section recovery kit.
Gift #18: Water Bottles
New mamas need to drink a ton of water. Consider gifting her a nice water bottle to help her reach her water goals!
Gift #19: Thermos
New mamas often find themselves drinking cold coffee. The second they sit down to sip their coffee the baby will need something. Consider gifting her with a nice thermos to help keep those comforting drinks warm for when she finally has a chance to drink them!
Gift #20: Music Playlist
A sweet gift idea would be putting together a playlist of some of her favorite music. I personally love playlists full of rich theological truth to help me through difficult times!
Gift #21: Journal and Pens
Many new moms will find it helpful to capture in writing both their feelings and special things that happen during that first year with baby. Consider getting her some items to help her keep track of those special memories with baby!
Gift #22: Peri Bottle
Recovery after a c-section delivery is tough, especially going to the bathroom. Many people don’t realize that even though you did not deliver vaginally, you still have a lot of bleeding (like an extremely heavy period) and discomfort down there. A nice quality peri bottle is the perfect gift to help with this.
Gift #23: Shower Kit
The first showers will be painful, but after awhile mama will be longing for those relaxing hot showers. Consider putting together a gift basket with some new shampoo, body wash, loofah, and other thoughtful items.
Gift #24: Hair Clips
Some new hair clips will be a wonderful help in the early days when she cannot do much with her appearance!
Gift #25: Dry Shampoo
This was one of my absolute favorite things to have during recovery, both in the hospital at home. It made me feel a little more normal again and a bit cleaner when my shower opportunities were limited!

Baby Related Gift Ideas
While mom will appreciate gifts for herself, there may be some items she did not receive at her baby shower or did not realize she would need. Here are just a few helpful suggestions!
Gift #26: Nursing Pillow
While many moms prefer the Boppy pillow or may just use a regular pillow they have at home, I personally found the My Breast Friend to work the best. It was so helpful to be able to strap it into place as it was very painful to try to support my babies on my own.
Gift #27: Gift Cards for Baby Items
Consider sticking a gift card or two in your c-section gift basket so mama can pick up some much needed items she may not have for her newborn baby!
Gift #28: Diapers and Wipes
This may be the most useful gift for first time moms as diapers seem to be an endless expense for those first few years. Consider gifting your c-section mum friend with some extra diapers and wipes. It will be one less thing she has to worry about purchasing!
Gift #29: Diaper Caddy
Because cesarean section deliveries require a much longer recovery period, gifting mom with a nice diaper caddy will make it so she does not have to walk up any stairs to get to baby’s changing table.
Gift #30: At Home Newborn Photo Session
New moms treasure every single precious photo of their newborn baby. Help them capture these sweet moments by gifting them an at home newborn photo session!

Other Gift Ideas
Here are just a few other random ideas to add to this list of 42 practical and supportive gifts for c-section moms!
Gift #31: Clean Her House
I personally struggle to relax with a messy home, and not having the ability to keep everything clean and tidy during surgery recovery was very difficult. Be a sweet friend and let mama relax and hold her baby while you clean and tidy!
Gift #32: Watch Her Kids
Whether it is her second baby or her fifth baby, offering to come over and play with the older kids or even taking them outside to get some energy out will give mama some much needed rest. The kids will also have fun!
Gift #33: Books
Sitting down with a good book can help take your mind off the recovery process and even help you stay awake when feeding the baby or pumping.
Gift #34: Kindle
While a pricier gift, if you can afford it a Kindle will make for an incredibly thoughtful gift. Being able to read while the lights are off is so helpful during nighttime feedings when you are trying to stay awake but also get the baby back to sleep!
Gift #35: Kindle Membership
If she already has a Kindle, consider gifting her a subscription to Kindle Unlimited so she has access to all the books she could ever want!
Gift #36: Offer Transportation
During the healing process, c-section mamas are not allowed to drive. This makes it very difficult to make it to all of the appointments she needs to go to over the upcoming weeks. Consider asking if she could use a driver to get her to and from these appointments!
Gift #37: Rolling Cart
This rolling cart is perfect for a c-section mama. This will allow her to keep her pumping supplies, nipple cream, diaper caddy, heating pad, pain relief, snacks, and anything else she needs close by no matter where she is in the house! While this is not the exact one I use, this one is highly reviewed on Amazon!
Gift #38: Snack Basket
Consider finding a cute basket that she can keep all of her snacks in and at the ready. Better yet, fill it up with all of her favorite goodies for a perfect c-section care package!
Gift #39: French Press or New Coffee Maker
Help make her days a little extra special with a brand new way to make coffee. She will be incredibly tired during recovery and will so appreciate this gift!
Gift #40: Amazon Gift Card
Amazon can be a lifesaver after having a baby. Sometimes you realize you needed something for baby and instead of having to venture out to the store you can simply order what you need on Amazon and have it arrive on your doorstep within a day or two!
Gift #41: Be a Good Listener
Depending on personal preference, some moms just need a close friend to come visit and listen to what they are going through. Motherhood alone is hard work, and your hormones are often going crazy and you sometimes just need a dear friend to talk to.
Gift #42: Be Patient
Try not to get offended if mama is not ready for visitors and isn’t texting updates all day every day. She is tired, in pain, trying to care for the new life she is responsible for, and may not be feeling up to visitors or want to spend these precious moments with her baby on the phone. Sometimes patience and kindness can be the best way to show you care!
I hope you found these 42 practical and supportive gifts for c-section moms helpful! Be sure to comment with the gift that was most meaningful for you during your c-section recovery. And if you are looking for a sweet Mother’s Day gift idea, be sure to check out my free Mother’s Day printable questionnaire for mom and grandma! For more baby ideas, don’t miss my list of top 10 minimalist baby essentials.
Such great ideas in this post; things that are actually helpful. I especially love #30 the “at home newborn photo session”. Very original and something that lasts 🙂
Thank you so much for the positive feedback! It is greatly appreciated.
I’m loving this so much! Such a great informative post and all the things I wish more people knew.
Thank you so much! After 2 c-sections I am starting to get a pretty good idea of what things are actually helpful and needed during that recovery time.
Such a great list! The comfy clothes and self care items would definitely be a wonderful gift for a recovering mama. Thanks for sharing!
I love this! So many great ideas, I’ve always loved the idea of helping out a new mom especially those who have gone through a c section as I know the healing can be tough!
This is such a thoughtful and comprehensive list! I hope every new mother gets treated to some of those gifts!
So many wonderful ideas! Wish I had several gifted to me after my C-section with the twins!
Such great ideas! I love #30 as I was gifted a photo session for my first baby and it still is my total favourite gift! It’s wonderful lasting memories that a tired mama can easily forget.